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Complementary & Intuitive Therapy Guidance
& Coaching 

A Unique Approach


ParaTheta is currently working on Channelling Communication, Creating Videos & Writing for Life Guidance, Help, Inspiration and Transformation for the Betterment of Humanity & to Help Raise the Collective Vibrations & Consciousness of Planet Earth & All Sentient Life Beings on Her.  

ParaTheta Tools Include:


Complementary & Intuitive Therapies & Coaching

Traditional Usui Reiki Energy Treatment

New Earth Reiki Energy Treatment 


Flower & other Energy Essences

Intuitive Listening

Mindfulness and Resilience Coaching

Essential Oils

Colour Therapy


Tarot, Angel & Oracle Card Readings

including Transformational Readings

Clutter & Space Clearing Advice


Energy Exercise Advice

Meditation & More!


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Disclaimer: Products & all guidance from ParaTheta are not intended to replace professional medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. ParaTheta offers a source of intuitive guidance & complementary therapy and so works in conjunction with traditional medical care. ParaTheta does not practice medical treatment or claim to medically diagnose, treat or cure anything or named diseases. You should always consult a qualified medical healthcare professional with questions about any medical health condition you are concerned about. Always consult a GP/MD before contacting ParaTheta for an acute or infectious condition and for problems of urgent concern. It is also the law in the UK for pets to be seen by a vet initially so it is your responsibility as the pet owner to make sure this has been done before you contact ParaTheta for animal guidance. Please consult with your healthcare professional before starting any exercise programme, dietary or lifestyle change. Paratheta does not guarantee any results or transformation. ParaTheta cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any information posted on this website or anywhere else by Paratheta. Use this information at your own risk. Please use this information responsibly. All information and advice on this website, published by Paratheta in any way or in sessions is intended for guidance and entertainment only. ParaTheta is legally obliged to say that readings and all content by Paratheta are for entertainment purposes and a work of fiction. Card readings are for guidance only. Any life decisions and actions you make are ultimately your own responsibility as a sovereign being.  ParaTheta is fully insured, completely professional and not of any sexual nature. Children under 18 years must have an adult guardian accompanying all sessions. Paratheta guidance and information is not intended as any substitute replacement for any legal, medical, financial or other such advice. Note: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.. All contents on this site and posted are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or copied without consent.

©2024 by ParaTheta

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