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Consider Trying Flower Essences if You or Your Child is Autistic or Neuro Divergent & You Want to Alleviate or Lessen the Emotional Symptoms Being Felt

Experiencing & feeling extreme negative emotions can be completely debilitating.

Witnessing and hearing about the emotions & subsequent behaviours & behaviour changes of children & teenagers with autism can be heart-breaking, if you are a loving parent of or know a child identified as having autism or aspergers. Coping as a carer of a child with autism displaying these behaviours & experiencing these emotions can be very difficult too. I’m sure every parent or carer of a child with autism would appreciate some support with helping to alleviate your child’s emotional symptoms.

Have you considered trying natural flower remedies to help with these extreme emotional symptoms if you or your child are experiencing these feelings? There is a range of flower essence remedies to potentially help alleviate the cluster of emotional symptoms which seem to come with autism, such as the extreme fear and anxiety.

Bach flower remedies can help manage & balance emotions on the journey to emotional mastery. They can be especially helpful for people who are more emotionally sensitive. They are very safe, simple & easy to use. Traditionally alcohol based, Bach flower remedies have now produced a range of remedies which are alcohol & sugar free, so are more suitable for children & teenagers and for those who have given up alcohol & sugar.

These remedies are something I would definitely consider if I were a parent of a child with autism or aspergers.  

See the following table to see if you recognise any of you or your child’s emotional symptoms and to find the flower remedy which may help with that emotion or feeling:

Flower remedy:

To help when feeling:

To help feel:

Rock Rose

Extreme Terror, Panic, Alarm (eg during illness, panic, accident)

Calm, Secure, Safe, Brave

Cherry Plum

Fear of Loss of Control, Explosive, Irrational

Composure, Sense of Security, Self Control, Stability

Red Chestnut

Extreme Fear or Anxiety about someone else's welfare or safety

Trust, Positive Thinking, Letting go, Relaxing

Crab Apple

Self dislike, Self hatred, Obsessive Compulsive, Feeling unclean

Self love, Self acceptance, Cleansed


Expect to fail, Lack confidence in skills, Feel inadequate

Confidence, Self-esteem, Self-assured


Feel Anxiety & can't say why, Apprehensive, Panic, 'Unfounded' fears

Peace, Calm, Trusting the Unknown


Anxiety about something specific, Known anxieties (eg fear of illness), Shy

Calm, More Confident, Courage

White Chestnut

Mental/emotional looping, Stuck in one or more emotions, Mind running over the same thing, Incessant, Troubling, Intrusive thoughts

Peace of Mind

Wild Rose

Can't be bothered, Apathy, What's the point?, Resigned

Motivation, Zest for Life, Mojo, Enthusiasm, Inspired, Motivated for Change


Negative attitude, Pessimistic

Optimistic, Enthusiastic, Postive Mental Attitude

Star of Bethlehem

Deep emotional Trauma (Past or Present), Shock, Grief

Balance, Comfort, Solace


Inner Torment, Putting on a 'Brave Face', Hiding Troubles

Inner Peace, Ability to Express Feelings


Vulnerable to External Influences, Difficulty to Adapting to Transitions & Changes

Adaptable, Settled, Protected from Troublesome or Worrisome External Influences

Sweet Chestnut

Despair, Desolation, Anguish, Hopelessness

Comfort, Support, Solace, Light


Guilt, Self Blame, Unworthy, Not good enough, Over conscientiousness

Self Worth, Self Forgiveness, Enough


Extreme Exhaustion (eg following emotional trauma or illness)

Vitality, Zest, Recovery


Inner Voice is Critical, Self Criticism

Kind Self Talk, Self Tolerance, Self Acceptance, Self Leniency


Inner Voice is a Bully/Tyrant

Kind Self Talk


Anger - Internal/External

Calm, Self Tolerance, Self Acceptance, Self Forgiveness, Self Love

 There are other remedies in the range & there is also a general Bach ‘Rescue’ Remedy made of Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, Clematis to stay grounded, for example in emergencies & Impatiens for agitation.

Having read this far, you are now also invited to receive a 3 month or 6 month plan of Distance Reiki sessions for you or your child which additionally may help you balance you or your child’s emotional state & behaviour, as it is possible Reiki can help with this too. You are invited & welcome to learn more about it here at:

Best of luck on your journey!

Paratheta – Complementary & Intuitive Therapy, Guidance & Coaching For Personal & Global Transformation

Tips gratefully received:

NB - See disclaimer about this blog on ParaTheta's website




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