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How to Heal Planet Earth using Reiki and Energy Healing - Simple and Easy Techniques for Ozone and Seismic Stability

Updated: Aug 19

Reiki and Energy healing can be used to help strengthen & repair the Earth's ozone layer. It can also be used to help stabilise her core, which would then show as a lessening of seismic activity on the surface of the planet. Clearly by doing so there are massive benefits to humankind, especially for those living in seismic zones or areas of this planet where it is known that there are holes in the ozone layer or the layer is thin and needs strengthening - for example over New Zealand. Reiki and Energy healing on the Earth could also help to prevent magnetic polar shift.

If you want to help with this and be of service to Planet Earth and all life and sentient beings on her, I, as a Reiki master, will now be giving you a quick simple outline and instructions for you to do this:

1.       Ideally find a quiet place or somewhere calm, where you will find it easy to focus your mind and you know you won't be interrupted.

2.       Next focus on your breath. Breathe in and breathe out – slow the breath down. This technique calms your nervous system and body so you are in a peaceful resting state (parasympathetic state).

3.       Set your energetic boundaries by asserting ‘Only positive light energy of the highest vibration may enter here’.

4.       Call in energetic protection. You may call in angels and archangels of the light to protect and help you during this process. Personally I call in Archangel Michael and Ascended Master Jesus. You may use a different way to protect yourself, for example, by imagining yourself surrounded by white or golden light. Or call in an energy which aligns with your religious or spiritual beliefs if you have any. You may call in any God, Goddess or Saint or Saints, benevolent Star People – whatever resonates with you.

5.       Now connect with your Higher Self. This may sound difficult or something far away, but it's not at all. It couldn’t be simpler. All you have to do is think about either something you love or something you’re grateful for. What you’re doing here is raising your own personal frequency. (Do not attempt to channel energy when you are in a low vibration, tired, under the influence of any addictive drugs or alcohol.)

6. Now set the intention of sending healing to Planet Earth. Focus your attention of achieving this goal, firstly using your will - using the law of manifestation. What you focus on grows. So it is important in this process to only focus your mind on what you want to see happening in the external world.

7.       Now use any and even all of your senses. Visualise the Earth's ozone layer strong and complete and the seismic activity on the planet's surface calm and serene. Feel and know the earth is calm. Feel and know that the ozone is repaired and strong. It is so.

8.       Thank all energetic beings who you have called in to help with this process.

Advanced Techniques as Optional Extras to make this Process even more Effective:

A. Channel Universal Life Force Energy or Reiki

Maintain your high vibrations, your connection to your higher self, by focusing on the feeling of love & gratitude. Maintain the intention also if you wish that energetic beings, for example, ascended masters, angels of light, archangels and so on, aligned with your own belief system, are supporting this process, as described above.

Now connect to ‘Heaven & Earth’ – Ground yourself by visualising roots growing from the soles of your feet down to the centre of the Earth’s core, and then imagine the energy from the Earth’s centre rising back up in to the soles of your feet, up to your heart area.

Imagine the energy in your heart area (chakra) rising up through the top of your head (crown chakra) up to the centre of the Universe, Source, and now golden light is streaming back down from Source, the centre of the Universe, along this line, back into you, back to your heart.

Now imagine this energy of Earth and the Source of the Universe, which is being combined at your heart, flowing out of your hands. You are now channelling universal life force energy.

If you have a physical globe of the world to help you focus, using the globe, you can now channel this energy over any areas you know of in the ozone where there are holes or it is thin and needs strengthening, with the intention of strengthening and repairing it. You can also channel this energy over seismic hot spots to calm it down. You could also use a map of the world if you haven’t got a physical globe – the results will be just as effective. If you are very good at visualising you may just visualise a map or a globe in front of you in your mind’s eye and work with that.

World Globe (Political):

World Map (Political):

Place your hands over the areas of the map or globe where you want to help or calm down. You may feel heat flowing out of or tingling from the palms of your hands or something which feels like magnetism. If you don't feel this, it doesn't matter, simply know that this universal life force energy is flowing out of your palms over the geographical areas involved, blanketing the seismic areas in calm. Visualise the holes in the ozone being repaired and healing up and the ozone layer being strengthened. You may also visualise white, blue or gold light flowing from the palms of your hands to seismic zones.

Maintain your intention and focus on this repair of the ozone and/or calming down of the earth's seismic activity. Use any and as many of your senses as you can with this process. Maintain your high vibrations and energy flow for as long as you can. However, as we are working at the quantum level here (which is beyond Newton’s laws of time and distance), the focused intentions should be effective instantaneously and immediately, once you’re vibrating at high and loving frequencies.

Your intention to repair the planet's ozone layer and/or to calm the world's seismic zones will be making a difference.

The more often you do this process and the more individuals who do this process, the more the collective energy will combine to create a strong and effective healing of Planet Earth.

Additionally, by strengthening the earth's magnetic core energetically, this will also make a difference to the earth's stability. The centre of the earth is equivalent to a human's Dan Tien - Sea of Chi/Energy. By channelling energy to the earth's core, we will also then be making the earth more energetically stable and this in turn will strengthen the earth's ozone layer - which is equivalent to a human's aura. The earth's leylines are equivalent to a human's meridian channels through which life force energy flows. By setting the intention of the earth's leylines as having a strong healthy energetic flow through them whilst doing this process - this will also strengthen the earth's ozone layer.

To do this, using the process of channelling energy as described above, once you have connected to Universal Life Force energy from Source and have channelled it to your heart, instead of stopping it there, continue its flow down through both the soles of your feet, and also down through your base chakra to the earth, and on to the centre of the earth's core. Maintain this flow for as long as you are able, all the while with the intention of strengthening the earth's core, leylines and ozone layer.

B. Use Quartz Crystal

To super charge this process, obtain a quartz crystal. You can clear the energies in the crystal firstly by running it under cold water with the intention of clearing it. Once you have dried the crystal on a clean material, place the crystal beside you whilst you work on this energetic healing of the earth. The crystal will absorb these healing vibrations as you send them to the globe or map you are using. The crystal will then have the added benefit of amplifying and then broadcasting out the energies you are sending, as these are some of the properties that quartz crystal has. The larger the crystal, the greater the amplification, and so the energy of healing you are sending to the Earth's ozone layer and/or seismic zones will be far greater and even more effective.

If you want you can also use Green Apophyllite crystal or Gaia Stone.

Large Clear Quartz Crystal Stone:

Gaia Stone:

Green Apophyllite Stone:

C. Visualise Symbols

If you are familiar with them, you may use the traditional Reiki symbols Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei-He-Ki and the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen as you channel Universal Life Force Energy to planet Earth.

Green Aventurine Crystal Healing Pyramid engraved with Reiki Symbols:

D. Use the Akashic Records

If you are familiar with working in the realm of the Akashic, you can set the intention for stabilising and calming the Earth's seismic activity and strengthening her ozone layer and core.

Call in the protection you would normally, then in meditation, open the records. Then use the techniques described above to channel universal life force energy to bring about a healing and stabilisation of Planet Earth. Visualise, feel, hear, know – even taste the intended result of the Earth's healing. Close the Akashic Records.

E. Listen to the Earth's Schumann Frequency

Whilst doing this healing work, play a sound track which is vibrating at the frequency of 7.83Hz - Earth's Schumann resonance, equivalent to the Earth's heartbeat, to align you more easily to your connection with the Earth. This will help the effectiveness of the healing.

So that’s it – that’s how you can now use Universal Life Force Energy or Reiki to help stabilise seismic activity and help repair the Earth's ozone layer, as well as strengthen her core.

At first, this process may seem rather a lot to learn when you first read and then implement this material, especially if you are new to working with Universal Life Force Energy.  In the grand scheme of things however, if you want to help the Earth herself and the people, plants, trees, animals, sentient life on her and you want to do something in your power to help, then really this is a simple, easy, financially cost free and incredibly powerful and effective process to help.

Why not also share this blog with people you know who are also willing to join in and add their focus to help this Planet? There is strength in numbers. It will help tremendously. You all will be making a difference to global healing of Planet Earth and right now, I think she could do with some help.

Paratheta – Complementary & Intuitive Therapy, Guidance & Coaching For Personal & Global Transformation

Tips gratefully received:

World Globe (Political):

World Map (Political):

Large Clear Quartz Crystal Stone:

Gaia Stone:

Green Apophyllite:

Green Aventurine Crystal Healing Pyramid engraved with Reiki Symbols:

Paratheta business logo


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