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How to use Reiki and Energy Healing on Planet Earth to help stop wars, alleviate WW3 & to reach World Peace

Updated: Aug 20

Do you want to help lessen the devastating and destructive effects of war on this planet?

Do you want to actively do something to help alleviate WW3 and prevent further wars?

As a human, alive on this planet, during this current time of global mass awakening, and with a mind, consciousness and heart, there IS something you can do about it.

It does not involve attending mass anti-war protests (although these may have their place in this world) or taking up arms to fight in defence.

Planet Earth has been beset with war for millennia. Not only human lives are taken, children are left orphaned, families made homeless, trees and plants destroyed, animals killed, their habitats also destroyed, Earth is badly scarred – it is still quite unbelievable how war is still occurring now in the 21st century.

However, as Planet Earth’s energy vibrations rise and humanity’s collective consciousness rise with it, it’s becoming far easier for humans to take action and actively do something about lessening the effects of war on this planet, even potentially stopping war and helping to prevent new ones starting.

As the vibrations of the Earth quicken, working with light energy at the quantum level is becoming more and more effective. Simple and easy techniques can be used. It does not need to be made complicated for anyone to do this, to help usher in and maintain peace on this Planet.

As a Reiki Master, I will now be giving you a quick simple outline and instructions for you to do this:

1.       Ideally find a quiet place or somewhere calm, where you will find it easy to focus your mind.

2.       Next focus on your breath. Breathe in and breathe out – slow the breath down. This technique calms your nervous system and body so you are in a peaceful resting state (parasympathetic state).

3.       Set your energetic boundaries by asserting ‘Only positive light energy of the highest vibration may enter here’.

4.       Call in energetic protection. You may call in angels and archangels of the light to protect and help you during this process. You may use a different way to protect yourself, for example, by imagining yourself surrounded by white or golden light. Or call in an energy which aligns with your religious or spiritual beliefs if you have any. You may call in any God, Goddess or Saint or Saints, Ascended Masters, benevolent Star People – whatever resonates with you.

5.       Now connect with your Higher Self. This may sound difficult or something far away, but it's not at all. It couldn’t be simpler. All you have to do is think about either something you love or something you’re grateful for. What you’re doing here is raising your own personal frequency. Focus your mind and heart on peace, joy, oneness and try and feel this in your body too. The world can be a reflective mirror – as you feel peace within you, you will experience and see more peace in the external world. As you focus your mind and heart on peace, you will likewise know and experience more peace in the external.

6.       Now set your intention. This is using your personal power. Your will. What you focus on grows. So it is important in this process to focus your mind on what you want to see happening in the external world i.e. world peace.  It is important to feel with your emotions the results you want to see on planet Earth i.e. everyone and everything feeling peace and calm. You can say to yourself or out loud, “I set the intention for world peace now.”

7.       Using any and even all of your senses:

 Visualise the Earth and the countries of Planet Earth at peace. See the soldiers of warring countries laying down their weapons and shaking hands. See the world leaders signing peace agreements. See weapons being destroyed safely. See the inhabitants of the countries involved relaxed and calm, no longer fighting.

Hear guns cease firing. so there are no more shots or explosions and instead there is a calm, peaceful and happy quiet. Hear the cheering of the local innocent civilians and inhabitants when they hear the news that peace has been reached. Hear the happiness and laughter of children playing safely, knowing that there are now no weapons to fear.

Taste the sweetness in the air of the end of war, and peace replacing it.

Feel again the feeling of war ending and peace coming in. Breathe out and imagine the stress and strain on your body of being in a fight, flight or freeze response, now calming down to a peaceful state knowing that no more fighting is needed anymore and you can just relax in safety and peace. Feel your shoulders dropping as the weight and strain of war drops from them and your jaw unclenching - your muscles relaxing.

Know that the war is over and peace prevails once again. Know that there is peace on Planet Earth – World peace. Breath out in calmness.

8.       Finally, remember to thank all energetic beings who you have called in to help with this process.


Optional: You may light a white candle before you start this process and as you do, set the intention of World Peace. (Taking of course fire safety precautions).

White Tea Light Candles

White Candle of Peace & White Dove Energy


Advanced Techniques as Optional Extras to make this Process even more Effective:

A. Channel Universal Life Force Energy or Reiki over War Zones

Maintain your high vibrations, your connection to your higher self, by focusing on the feeling of love, peace, joy and oneness. Maintain the intention also if you wish that energetic beings, for example, ascended masters, angels of light, archangels and so on, (aligned with your own belief system) are supporting this process, as described already.

Now connect to ‘Heaven & Earth’ – Ground yourself by visualising roots growing from the soles of your feet down to the centre of the Earth’s core, and then imagine the energy from the earth’s centre rising back up in to the soles of your feet, up to your heart area.

Imagine the energy in your heart area (chakra) rising up through the top of your head (crown chakra) up to the centre of the Universe, Source, and golden light streaming back down from Source, the centre of the Universe, along this line, back into you, back to your heart.

Now imagine this energy of Earth and the Universe, which is being combined at the heart, flowing out of your hands. You are now channelling universal life force energy.

If you have a physical globe of the world to help you focus, you can now channel this energy over the countries of the world hot spots where war is raging, to calm and alleviate the effects of war. You could also use a map of the world if you haven’t got a physical globe – the results will be just as effective. If you are very good at visualising you may just visualise a map or a globe in front of you in your mind’s eye and work with that.

Place your hands over the areas of the map or globe which are at war or which are a source of war. Visualise white, pink or gold light flowing from the palms of your hands. Or you may feel heat flowing out of or tingling from the palms of your hands or something which feels like magnetism. Or simply just know that this universal life force energy is flowing out of your palms over the countries and geographical areas involved, blanketing the areas in peace.

It does not matter if you can’t feel or see anything. Trust that this energy is flowing. Maintain your intention and focus on peace. Use any and as many of your senses as you can with this process. Maintain your high vibrations and energy flow for as long as you can. However, as we are working at the quantum level here (which is beyond Newton’s laws of time and distance), the focused intentions should be effective instantaneously and immediately, once you’re vibrating at high, loving, peaceful frequencies.

Your intention to create peace on the planet and world peace will have been effective at alleviating the effects of war and helping the ushering in of peace.

The more often you do this process and the more individuals who do this process, the more the collective energy and consciousness will combine to create world peace. It’s as simple as this.

World Globe (Political):

World Map (Political):

 B. Use Quartz Crystal

To super charge this process, obtain a quartz crystal. You can clear the energies in the crystal firstly by running it under cold water with the intention of clearing it. Once you have dried the crystal on a clean material, place the crystal beside you whilst you work on this Energetic Peace Process as described, sending peace, love, joy and oneness, to raise the vibration of planet Earth. The crystal will also absorb these peace vibrations as you are sending them to the globe or map you are using. The crystal will then have the added benefit of amplifying and then broadcasting out the energies you are sending, as these are some of the properties that quartz crystal has. The larger the crystal, the greater the amplification, and so the energy of peace broadcast and influencing the world will be far greater and even more effective.

Large Clear Quartz Crystal Stone:


C. Visualise Symbols

If you are familiar with them, you may use the traditional Reiki symbols Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei-He-Ki and the Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen as you channel Universal Life Force Energy over the global war zone(s).

Rose Quartz Crystal Pyramid with Reiki Symbols

Black Obsidian Crystal Pyramid with Reiki Symbols

Alternatively as you work on this Peace Process, visualise in your mind’s eye a symbol or symbols of peace. This may be any symbol that to you equates with peace. It may, for example, be a white dove. Or an imagined lighted white candle of peace. Or a symbol of two people shaking hands in peace, agreement, forgiveness and harmony. Or a white feather. Or a red poppy.

You may choose to use the Chi-Ro sigla or ‘XP’. The letters XP represent the first letters of the title ‘Christos’ as written in Greek and which were put together to form this symbol, which for a long time has been used to represent the energy of Christ within Christian beliefs and Christ Consciousness. Interestingly we today in some places use the symbol or letter X (Chi) to represent a kiss – a sign or indication of passing on human love. Reiki energy channelling and healing occurs through feeling this love. Love is one of the highest vibrating forms of human energy along with joy. One could say that X represents Love and the P represents and can also be used as a symbol for Peace. So using this symbol XP or simply a letter P, whilst channelling universal life force energy in this process described, will be especially effective and powerful to usher in World Peace.

The symbol XP will also provide added protection to all soldiers equally, whichever side they may be fighting on, some of whom may even be conscripted and not even fighting voluntarily.

Once you have decided on the peace symbol or symbols you will be using, simply, as you channel the energy over the various hot spots of war around the planet, visualise with your mind’s eye, any or all of these symbols floating over, penetrating these countries or raining down on these areas.

Using any symbol for peace, whilst channelling Universal Life Force Energy will help amplify and super charge your peaceful effect in war torn regions on the planet.


D. Use the Akashic Records

If you are familiar with working in the realm of the Akashic, you can set the intention for positive, benevolent, peaceful results of the highest vibrational timeline for the planet, a laying down of arms, worldwide safe destruction of war weaponry, and a manifestation of World peace. Call in the protection you would normally, then in meditation, open the records. Then use the techniques described above to channel universal life force energy to bring about world peace. Visualise, feel, hear, know – even taste the intended result of world peace and harmony. Close the Akashic Records.


So that’s it – that’s how you can now use Universal Life Force Energy or Reiki to help alleviate the effects of wars and help to stop wars.

At first, this process may seem rather a lot to learn when you first read and then implement this material, especially if you are new to working with Universal Life Force Energy.  In the grand scheme of things however, if you understand and know the devastation and destruction that War does, on innocent people, children, plants, trees, animals, sentient life and the Earth herself and you want to do something in your power to help, then really this is a simple, easy, financially cost free and incredibly powerful and effective process to help.

Why not also share this blog with people you know who are also willing to join in and add their focus to help reduce the effects of current wars and to bring about world peace on this Planet? There is strength in numbers. It will help tremendously. You all will be making a difference to global transformation and upliftment of the vibrations of Planet Earth.

Not war gaming - Peace gaming.


Paratheta – Complementary & Intuitive Therapy, Guidance & Coaching For Personal & Global Transformation

Tips gratefully received:

Red Poppy Seed Bombs

White Peace Lily

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