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Benefits of Receiving Regular Sessions of  Reiki Energy Therapy

  • Reiki is a completely natural and non-invasive therapy whose purpose is to treat holistically and to restore homeostasis - that is your body's internal balance or equilibrium - so helps & supports your body to heal itself. Your body, by receiving Reiki or in other words Universal Life Force Energy, is more likely able to restore itself to its natural & optimum state of wellness.

  • Reiki encourages Relaxation

  • Reiki helps to balance Emotions - it can help on the emotional level & help to release blocked or stagnant emotions which then can create a better sense of wellness on the Physical level

  • Reiki Balances Mind - it can help the Mental level

  • Can reduce Anxiety & Depression

  • Can help Mental Focus & Clarity

  • Can help ADHD

  • Promotes Calm & a Peaceful Sense of Wellbeing

  • Can enhance Positive Thinking

  • Reiki helps us to Respond Calmly to Life's Challenges

  • Reiki Helps to Manage Stress

  • Reiki Can help with PTSD & CPTSD

  • Provides Greater Inner Harmony

  • Can enhance a Stronger sense of Connection to Self & Others

  • Can help to improve Self-Esteem

  • Reiki helps on the Physical level

  • Helps the Body, Mind & Emotions find Balance & Equilibrium so can encourage a return to Wellness physically, emotionally and mentally

  • Reiki encourages & Supports Positive Personal Choices & Life Changes, such as helping to improve Diet, take more Exercise, devote time to rest & leisure activities

  • Can help with Addictions such as lessening or stopping smoking or alcohol for example

  • Can Enhance everyday Living

  • Regular sessions of Reiki can promote a  Healthier, more Balanced & Optimised State of Being

  • Receiving Reiki on a regular basis can help improve athletic & sport performance

  • Gives us more Energy so we feel more Vibrant & Energised

  • Can reduce Blood pressure levels

  • Can enhance Sleep Quality

  • Can help manage long-term symptoms of Disease & Chronic disease

  • Can help with Pain

  • Can help to aid broken Bones

  • Can increase your own Intuitive Awareness

  • Reiki goes naturally to where it is most needed in your Body and Mind

  • Reiki can be adapted to most medical conditions

  • Reiki is safe for people of all ages including Babies in the womb, Newborns, Babies, Children, Pregnant Mothers, surgical Patients, Frail & Elderly

  • Reiki can help 'Terminal' for easier transition

  • Reiki can be sent to loved ones and friends of your choosing if they are in agreement with receiving it

  • Reiki can be sent to people in coma

  • Reiki can also be given to Animals of all kinds, pets including dogs & cats, horses, animals in the zoo and even in the wild 

  • Is Complementary, so works effectively alongside orthodox healthcare and other natural remedies, expanding treatment options & possibilities

  • Is Non-invasive, very Gentle, Safe & Easy to receive​

  • Distance Reiki is a convenient way to receive Reiki with all the benefits of receiving a local Reiki session without having to leave the comfort of your home, hospital, office, area or country. No travelling time or expenses are required, so distance Reiki can be sent to and received to anywhere in the world no matter how far or remote you are or where you live​


Paratheta is currently Beta Testing the online Distance Reiki Sessions booking process.

Thank you for your patience. 

What to Expect During a Distance Reiki Session

A Reiki session is non-diagnostic, non-interventionist, non-manipulative & no pressure is applied.


The power of Reiki as a remote energy healing technique is equal, if not more powerful than that of a local Reiki session because Reiki works at the quantum level - beyond time and distance known by Newtonian Physics. Therefore time and distance become irrelevant at the quantum level, so it does not matter where in the world you are or even what you are doing, to receive this powerful form of therapy.


Reiki may be experienced as a flow of energy, magnetism, mild tingling, warmth or coolness - a change of temperature. Sometimes vivid images can flood the mind's eye, profound and helpful thoughts and ideas may surface - or sometimes simply nothing at all will be felt, though the energy will still be working just as much. Sometimes you may experience an emotional release which is in no way to be concerned about, as this emotional release will be part of your healing process of transformation and your body and mind coming back into balance.  This is a safe way to release emotions.  Reiki is deeply relaxing and has a profoundly calming effect. The best way to find out what Reiki is all about is to say yes to receiving it, try it & experience it for yourself!

Preparing for Your Distance Reiki Session

You can receive Reiki anywhere & anytime, though to prepare for your distance Reiki session it is best to be in a place where you are comfortable and won't be disturbed. Before the agreed time that the Reiki will be sent, make sure you put your phone on silent or turn it off. Drink a glass of water. If you can lie down somewhere that is comfortable, this is best though not vital.  You could remove uncomfortable items such as belts, jewellery and watches, if they are disturbing you, though this is also not necessary. Ideally close your eyes though this is also not necessary. 

If you are busy or otherwise occupied during the agreed time to receive the Reiki energy, that is also alright, as you will receive it regardless of what you are doing, provided that you are in agreement to receive the Reiki and you will still gain the benefits of the sessions.

During Your Distance Reiki Session

Ideally simply relax to receive & allow the Reiki energy to flow to you, to your mind and body. You do not need to try & do anything at all to receive the Reiki. Your body will then draw the Reiki energy in & the energy will automatically flow to wherever you need it most, in whatever way you need it best.  If you fall asleep or are asleep during the session that is also fine. 

After Your Distance Reiki Session

It's a good idea to rest for a while after recieving Reiki. Take your time getting up. Drink a glass of water immediately after the session has ended, to help your body to flush away any toxins needing to be released. Listen to your body and respond accordingly, for example resting to allow the energy to continue to work after the session has ended. If you can manage it & can do so, spend some time in nature.

How Many Reiki Sessions Do I Need and ParaTheta's Invitation To You

A course of regular, consistent Reiki treatments is far more effective than a one off, ad hoc treatment, here and there. This is why ParaTheta invites you to book into one of ParaTheta's treatment plans for either 3 or 6 months at a time.

ParaTheta will then provide either daily or weekly distance 30 minute Reiki energy treatments, depending on your plan selection, which will be sent at the same time each day or each week at a time to suit you. ParaTheta offers pay-in-full treatment plans.

All that is required regarding contact time with ParaTheta is an online 30 minute monthly zoom session during the first week of the month during your treatment plan - ideal if you have a busy schedule.

Then the Reiki Energy is sent remotely at the agreed time, and agreed frequency - either daily or weekly - and for three or six months - depending which service plan you have chosen - to where ever you are in the world.


Paratheta looks forward to welcoming you.


Paratheta is currently Beta Testing the online Distance Reiki Sessions booking process.

Thank you for your patience.



If you have a heart pacemaker fitted  please inform ParaTheta. 

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