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Lydia - I absolutely love receiving Reiki from ParaTheta. I have suffered with arthritis and every time I receive Reiki from ParaTheta I feel so much better. My backache has also really improved. ParaTheta works wonders for me. I fully recommend ParaTheta. If you are on the fence about receiving Reiki from ParaTheta, take the leap!


John - I have had real relief from my long-term back problems after having broken my neck in a car accident years ago. ParaTheta is amazing. 


Charles - After having recieved Reiki from ParaTheta, my liver trouble has cleared up no end and now I am also drinking far less alcohol than I used to.


Louise - Since having Reiki from ParaTheta, my problematic and acutely painful shoulder has stopped hurting, and now I am off painkillers for it completely. Thank you ParaTheta!


Joanna - I received Reiki for my long-term ear infections and I did not have another ear infection, and because of that was able to avoid having a major operation on my ear.


Lucinda - I had an emotional release whilst receiving Reiki from ParaTheta and suddenly the issues in my life and my life path made complete sense to me. I also gained past life awareness. Thank you ParaTheta - it has been so healing and helpful.  Life changing, transformational and a real eye opener! Now I really understand my life purpose.





Names have been changed for reasons of privacy & confidentiality.


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